Saturday Lunch Semi-Buffet is Here! 享用豐盛週六午間半自助餐

We are providing semi-buffet lunch on Saturday now!From just $159 up, enjoy a tasty spread of fresh salads, cold cuts, Japanese bites, hot dishes, fried treats, desserts, and fruits. Perfect for a chill afternoon with friends and family!Plus, we’ve got some exciting new main dishes: “ Awaodori Chicken Roulade Stuffed w/ Mushroom & Spinach “ and ” US CAB Rib Eye Steak.” Add just $40 up to treat yourself to these chef specials! ・Semi-Buffet LunchEvery Saturday 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM (Last Order at 2:15 PM)・Semi-Buffet DinnerMonday to Saturday Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Last Order at 8:15 PM)(Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays) Grill Tajimaya 星期六由午間半自助餐開始,放鬆您嘅心情,悠閒地享用自助餐上多款嘅美食。$159起 就可以任享各種新鮮沙律、冷盤小食、日式小食、熱葷、炸物、甜品、水果,同親友慢慢食住傾,度過一個慢活午間。伴隨午市半自助餐,仲有新嘅主菜推出 —「野菌菠菜阿波尾雞卷」,以及「美國產穀飼安格斯牛 肉眼扒」,加HKD 40起就可以享用到料理長心思之作。 ・半自助午餐逢星期六供應 11:30-15:00 (最後下單時間 14:15)・半自助晚餐星期一至六 18:00-21:00 (最後下單時間 20:15)(星期日及公眾假期休息) Grill TajimayaAddress: Shop 2A-1, 2/F, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wan Chai (Exhibition Centre Station Exit A3)Tel:2838 9971WhatsApp:9857 0898Online Reservation: https://bit.ly/3PC4c7s

NEWS: Semi-Buffet Dinner is coming! 全新推出半自助晚餐,將於2024年6月24日起正式推出!

At Grill Tajimaya, we’re putting a fresh spin on the traditional buffet experience. Here’s how it works:You’ll enjoy a delicious main dish from 8 different Japanese and Western options, all made fresh to order just for you.享用半自助晚餐的客人,可以由8款日式和西式主菜精選而成的主菜中,選擇1款稱心美食,全部即叫即製,新鮮呈上! Complement your main with our bountiful buffet spread, featuring a tempting selection of appetizers, refreshing salads, tasty snacks, and decadent desserts.Dine with family and friends from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Monday through Saturday (closed Sundays and public holidays).We can’t wait to serve you this exciting new semi-buffet concept. Make reservations now to be among the first to try it! 客人仲可以到全新設立嘅自助餐桌,盡情享用各式冷盤前菜、清新沙律、炸物小食、及精緻甜品。真係迫不及待想比大家感受全新的半自助餐體驗呀!立即預訂,成為首批體驗者! Grill Tajimaya香港 灣仔 港灣道30號 新鴻基中心2樓2A-1鋪TEL:2838 9971